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Testing Offenders for Drugs

NCJ Number
Compiler Dated: (Fall 1989) Pages: 7-9
M Hickey
Date Published
3 pages
An overview of drug testing in probation and pretrial release programs in Illinois is presented together with an evaluation of their advantages and disadvantages.
The combination of urine drug testing with strict sanctions for those whose results are positive has been proven successful in Lake County's work release program. Furthermore, in St. Clair County a 38-percent reduction in positive tests was found after implementation of a drug testing program for all juvenile and adult probationers. In addition, Lake County together with Treatment Alternatives for Special Clients (TASC) is developing a comprehensive drug testing program for pretrial arrestees. However imposing drug testing for pretrial arrestees presents logistical problems as well as increased costs for on-site drug testing equipment, personnel time, and resources; It also raises issues of defendants rights. Although some believe that pretrial drug testing is beneficial only if used with treatment programs, about 2,511 people are currently waiting to enter treatment programs in Illinois. Drug testing will prove beneficial only if more treatment opportunities are provided. 1 photograph