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The terrorist age‐crime curve: An analysis of American Islamist terrorist offenders and age‐specific propensity for participation in violent and nonviolent incidents

NCJ Number
Social Science Quarterly Volume: 97 Issue: 1 Dated: March 2016 Pages: 19-32
Jytte Klausen; Tyler Morrill; Rosanne Libretti
Date Published
March 2016
14 pages

This study examines the age-crime relationship among terrorist offenders.


This study relies on a data set of over 600 American terrorism offenders inspired by one of three Islamist groups: Hamas, Hezbollah, or Al Qaeda. We find that the pattern of violent Islamist crime in the United States departs from the standard age-crime curve in significant ways. Violent action among terrorist offenders peaks at a later age and occurs across a broader age range than is the case for ordinary violent crimes. (Publisher Abstract)