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Terrorism/Tactical Violence Incident Response Procedures (From Understanding Terrorism and Managing the Consequences, P 41-60, 2001, -- See NCJ-190969)

NCJ Number
Paul M. Maniscalco; James P. Denny; Hank T. Christen
Date Published
20 pages
This chapter discusses terrorism/tactical violence incident response procedures.
The chapter emphasizes that local agencies will always be the cornerstone of an effective terrorism/tactical violence response, and they should plan to be self-sustaining for 12 to 24 hours before Federal help arrives. Convergent responders, citizens, or individuals from nonemergency agencies who witness the event and converge on the scene before first responders, should receive awareness training. The chapter advises that all responders to a terrorism/tactical violence scene should first familiarize themselves with the scene, including peripheral areas such as rooftops of surrounding buildings. Responders should use the buddy system when entering an unsecured area by applying the "2 in 2 out" principle (two individuals enter the scene together, remain in personal contact, and exit together). Responders should know and use the Incident Management System. Medical facilities must initiate response protocols for processing and treating mass casualty patients. Facility response begins with effective communications to provide early scene information. Hospital security is a critical factor in medical facility preparedness, and the Emergency Room must be physically protected from possible perpetrators.