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Terrorism: Meeting the Challenge (From Understanding Terrorism and Managing the Consequences, P 1-22, 2001, -- See NCJ-190969)

NCJ Number
James P. Denney; Paul M. Maniscalco; Hank T. Christen; Frank J. Cilluffo
Date Published
22 pages
This chapter discusses the actions and the personnel involved in responding to terrorist incidents.
The chapter discusses the critical concept of local preparedness for terrorism/tactical violence response. This involves upgrading emergency medical services and full implementation of a standard, multipurpose event management system that conforms to the scope and type of event and the capabilities of responding agencies. The chapter provides an overview of the Federal agencies in the national response spectrum and discusses the capabilities and limitations of local response systems. It also notes the differences between advanced trauma life support protocols and casualty care in the urban combat environment. It discusses Federal asset and first responder integration and some of the constraints on this process, and mitigation of individual performance degradation in real time as a terrorist event evolves. Finally, it outlines the key concepts in a mass fatality management plan. Figure, notes