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Terrorism, the Left Wing, and the Intellectuals

NCJ Number
Terrorism Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Dated: (January-February 1990) Pages: 23-51
H A Kampf
Date Published
29 pages
Intellectuals, defined mainly in terms of their learned and cultured interests, have always encountered special problems and played a special role in society. Particularly under modern conditions, the intellectuals' knowledge causes them to have psychological problems as well as unsatisfied ambitions and at times to become alienated from society. As a result, many intellectuals are playing a negative social role, attempting morally and politically to undermine Western democratic societies, and even engaging in left wing oriented terrorism in them.
As the causes of their alienation remain, left wing intellectuals are a continuing problem in spite of perestroika, glasnost, the changes in Eastern Europe, and the improved East-West relations. Left wing intellectuals can only be defeated or neutralized on their own ground of intellect and mainly through new ideas for better coping with their negative influence and with the great challenges of our time. 24 notes (Author abstract)


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