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Terrorism and Hostage Taking (From Insights Into Violence in Contemporary Canadian Society, P 250-254, 1987, James M MacLatchie, ed. -- See NCJ-122437)

NCJ Number
R Crelinsten
Date Published
5 pages
The prevention and control of domestic terrorism must be based in a clear understanding of the dynamic interaction between the controller (State) and the controlled (terrorists and citizens).
Four axioms underlie an analysis of domestic terrorism. One axiom is that terrorism is a tactic of communication which combines the use of violence with the threat of violence to encourage citizens to comply with terrorist goals. A second axiom is that the meaning attached to the communication tactic can vary according to the legitimacy of the actor and his order in the social structure; i.e., the State can use violence and the threat of violence to maintain the status quo, but this is not labeled "terrorism." The third axiom is that State actors who use "terrorism" are better able to resist the "terrorism" label. The fourth axiom is that a complete study of political terrorism must analyze its use by both the controller and the controlled in domestic situations. The challenge for the controller is to ensure that its tactics in controlling those who challenge the State through violent means comply with legal constraints on the State's use of violence and repression. Should the State dismantle the legal restraints on its use of power in the name of fighting insurgent terrorism, then the State is in danger of becoming a terrorist itself.


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