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Terrorism and Guerrilla Warfare: Forecasts and Remedies

NCJ Number
R Clutterbuck
Date Published
255 pages
This book examines current trends in terrorism and guerrilla warfare and attempts to predict how they will work out over the next decade.
Following an introductory chapter, the first section of the book discusses the spectrum of political conflict which has emerged, following World War II, under the nuclear umbrella; it ranges from "agit-prop" and civil disturbances to guerrilla warfare, terrorism, civil war, and invasion. The second section examines current and potential technological developments as they relate to weapons, targets, and counterterrorism tactics. The six chapters deal specifically with terrorist targets in the 1990's; personal weapons; missiles, longer range weapons and bombs; detection of explosives, bombs, and guns; intelligence; and physical security. The third section explores the impact of drug trafficking on rural and urban terrorism. The following two sections analyze the organization, tactics, and trends in rural and urban guerrilla warfare and prevention. The final section outlines some nightmare scenarios; the author attempts to strike a balance between developing a strategy to counter them and preserving civil liberties.