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Tennessee Department of Correction - Annual Report, 1976-1977

NCJ Number
Date Published
157 pages
This annual report, covering the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1976, and ending June 30, 1977, presents important data and relevant statistics about Tennessee's Department of Correction.
Concerning administrative services, the report gives data on department expenditures, personnel, psychological services, and other matters. In the area of adult services, data are presented about adult institutions, Tennessee State Prison, the classification and diagnostic center, Brushy Mountain Penitentiary, and other correctional facilities. For youth services, the report highlights information about six different facilities, foster and group homes, and juvenile probation. Survey data are given for both adult and youth services, including adult probation and parole, expenditures, rehabilitative services, and halfway inns. Finally, the report concludes with a section describing the agri-business division. Tables, maps, photographs, graphs, and pie charts are included.