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Ten Years of Achievement - Institute for Court Management Annual Report, 1980

NCJ Number
Date Published
20 pages
This annual report reviews the activities and accomplishments of the Institute for Court Management (ICM) during 1980 and highlights its major achievements during its first 10 years of existence.
A message from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees and the report from the Executive Director precede summary reports of programs and activities, including education and training programs. During 1980, 645 court administrators, judges, clerks, key staff, and other justice system personnel participated in ICM education programs. Local, State, and Federal court systems were represented by attendees from 45 States, the District of Columbia, the Philippines, Canada, Guam, American Samoa, and the Virgin Islands. Education programs included the court executive development program, the juvenile justice management program, and the juror utilization and management training program. Research and court studies carried out by ICM are discussed, as well as the 'Justice System Journal,' a professional periodical published by the Institute. The financial report, a list of contributions to the Institute, a brief summary of the Institute's staff and visiting faculty, and tables and photographs complete the report.