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Telemarketing Fraud: Don't Let It Happen to You

NCJ Number
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This is a public forum and panel discussion on the subject of telemarketing fraud, particularly as it victimizes senior citizens.
Participants in the discussion, all of whom had considerable experience in the fight against telemarketing fraud, were an American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) fraud fighter who had been a victim of telemarketing fraud; Wisconsin’s Attorney General; the Sheriff of Hampshire County, MA; an FBI Special Agent; and an AARP Consumer Affairs representative. The AARP fraud fighter described her own victimization, and each of the other speakers discussed typical telemarketing scams, trends in telemarketing fraud and what to do if you suspect you have been defrauded. The panel was especially interested in describing how vicious a crime telemarketing fraud really is, how to stop a scam before it gets started, and how to report it to the proper authorities. The audience viewed an AARP video that was part of a collection of anti-fraud materials available to anyone who requested it. The panel described warning signs of potential telemarketing fraud, the most obvious ones being offers of “something for nothing”, or prize offerings that require the winner to send money to the telemarketer in advance. A copy of the program can be obtained from 1-800-858-8557.