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Technology of Mental Situational Modelling in the System of Optimisation of Crime Investigation

NCJ Number
Internal Security Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Dated: January - June Pages: 99-110
Tatiana S. Volchetskaya
Date Published
June 2012
12 pages
The article presents a description of modelling as a technological toolbox to optimise investigative activity in criminal investigations.
The article presents a description of modeling as a technological toolbox to optimize investigative activity in criminal investigations as well as a description of the technological process of creating a mental informational model of the event investigated. The author suggests a concrete technology of mental reconstruction of the event (criminal situation) by the investigator with the use of the mental situational modeling method. Criminal situations constituting a criminal event are reflected in material traces left at the crime scene as well as in idealized traces - mental images of these situations in the consciousness of participant in the criminal event. Such traces allow the investigator mentally to reconstruct criminal situations and then "recreate" the mechanism of the event investigated as a whole. Quite simply, logical computer schemes help the investigator to keep in mind a significant amount of information. The article scrutinizes the technological structure of such schemes. It includes information about: the subject and object of a crime; motive and aims of the crimes perpetrated; means, ways and mechanism of committing the crime; space and time factors. Ways and methods for obtaining such information are presented. The investigator getting information as a result of investigative activities systematizes it into corresponding blocks of the model. As new information about an actual crime becomes available the investigator should mark in corresponding blocks of the structural scheme the presence or lack of information about a certain element of the crime and logs a short description. The main theses are illustrated by an actual example from investigative practice. (Published Abstract)