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Teacher-Consultation Approach to Social Skills Training for Pre-Kindergarten Children: Treatment Model and Short-Term Outcome Effects

NCJ Number
Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology Volume: 6 Issue: 33 Dated: 2005 Pages: 681-693
Susan S. Han; Thomas Catron; Bahr Weiss; Kristen K. Marciel
Date Published
13 pages

This study evaluated the post-treatment outcome effects of a classroom-based social skills program for pre-kindergarten children, using a teacher-consultation model.


The pre-K RECAP (Reaching Educators, Children, and Parents) program is a semi-structured, cognitive-behavioral skills training program that provides teachers with in-classroom consultation on program implementation and classroom-wide behavior management. Data on children's social skills and behavior problems were collected from parents and teachers at pre- and post-treatment, for 149 children aged 4–5 years (of whom 56 percent were girls). Significant treatment effects were found for teacher but not parent reports, with treatment-group children improving significantly more than comparison group children in their teacher-rated social skills and internalizing and externalizing problems. These results provide some preliminary support for the efficacy of the program on children's social skills and behavior problems, and for a teacher-consultation model for training teachers to implement school-based mental health programs. 46 references (publisher abstract modified)