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Task Force To Study Alternatives to Incarceration and the Expansion of the Adult Detention Center - Final Report - Executive Summary

NCJ Number
Date Published
17 pages
This report summarizes recommendations made regarding measures to reduce overcrowding in Fairfax County's Adult Detention Center (ADC) in Virginia.
After a review of the ADC population, the alternative programs available, and the effect of court delay on overcrowding, the task force found that the rate of incarceration in the county is lower than comparable jurisdictions, that changes in court procedures could reduce the length of stay of some inmates in the ADC, that the ADC is overcrowded and becoming more so, and that the need for additional detention space can be limited through rigorous use of alternatives and expedited court procedures. The alternative programs recommended include a nonresidential weekend sentence program, an expansion of a residential drug treatment facility, and an enlargement of the Prerelease Center (PRC). Moreover, the detention needs of the ADC can be met by increasing the number of beds at the PRC, by establishing a correctional camp, and by enlarging the ADC by 500 beds. Other recommendations are presented. Tables depict fiscal impacts of the nonconstruction recommendations and construction costs. (Author abstract modified)

Corporate Author
Fairfax Cty Board of Supervisors

4100 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax, VA 22030, United States

Sale Source
National Institute of Justice/

Box 6000, Dept F, Rockville, MD 20849, United States

United States of America