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Talk Shows Give a Forum to Society's Victims (From America's Victims: Opposing Viewpoints, P 129-134, 1996, David Bender, Bruno Leone, et al, eds. -- See NCJ-165502)

NCJ Number
J Gamson
Date Published
6 pages
While daytime talk shows have been maligned by media critics as "freak shows" that exploit people with psychological problems and do not offer them any counseling or therapeutic benefit, the author maintains that talk shows provide a rare forum where those labeled freaks are given visibility and support and a chance to speak out.
Talk shows often feature such guests as lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, drag queens, and transsexuals and they highlight differences between sex and gender identities, expressions, and practices. Critics of talks shows point out that talk show programs create rather than exacerbate conflict. What these critics fail to indicate, however, is that violence against gays and other groups does not require a talk show "ambush" to trigger it. Although talk shows do indeed trade on voyeurism and break with sex and gender norms, the fact that they are sometimes exploitative spectacles does not negate the fact that they represent an opportunity for people with psychological problems to publicize their concerns.


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