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Tactical Helicopter Missions: How to Fly Safe, Effective Airborne Law Enforcement Missions

NCJ Number
Kevin P. Means
Date Published
135 pages
This book captures the intricate nuances of the unique and specialized profession of airborne law enforcement, by summarizing the tactical excellence needed to transform the science and technology of police air support into a masterful art.
The advances in airborne law enforcement technology have been remarkable, but technology does not replace good law enforcement skills or judgment; it augments them. Aircrews must also train with that technology to become proficient. It is no secret that suspects study the tactics of law enforcement, including airborne law enforcement. Criminals are aware of thermal imagers and other airborne technology. So, it is incumbent upon aircrews to employ tactics that make it difficult or impossible for suspects to defeat that technology. A well-trained aircrew that is proficient with their tactics, technology, and each other will significantly enhance the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of officers on the ground. The missions that law enforcement aircrews perform, however, are only part of the equation. How they perform them is what makes the difference between an effective aircrew and one that is less effective. The book covers six areas: crew qualifications and tactical equipment, responding to calls, covering officers on the street, fundamentals of thermal imaging, infrared searches, indoor marijuana cultivation, vehicle pursuits, and foot pursuits. Figures

Sale Source
Charles C. Thomas

2600 South First Street, Springfield, IL 62704, United States

Publication Format
Book (Softbound)
Publication Type
Training (Handbook/Manual)
United States of America