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Tackling Fear of Crime: A Starter Kit

NCJ Number
C Griffiths
Date Published
91 pages
This manual aims to provide police in Great Britain with the guidelines, questionnaire, and other information needed to measure the fear of crime in a particular area and to determine the personal, environmental, and social factors involved.
The information packet includes a self-report questionnaire that can be customized to meet local needs while providing results directly comparable to those obtained by other uses. The accompanying handbook is based on practical experience and describes in detail how to conduct a survey efficiently and at low cost while ensuring a statistically valid sample. Possible uses of the survey findings are also suggested. The manual includes the results of a major survey taken in Droitwich in the County of Hereford and Worcester. In this pilot study, the researchers selected 823 addresses, which amounted to just over 10 percent of the homes in the town. Householders accepted 770 questionnaires and completed 753 questionnaires, for a response rate of 91.5 percent. Return rates were similar in all parts of the town. Results revealed that fear of crime is confined to the small areas that are the most deprived. In addition, fear of crime has little or nothing to do with crime rates or victimization and more to do with social conditions, isolation, incivilities, and feelings of self-confidence. Figures and appended tables and questionnaire

Sale Source
Great Britain Home Office, Policing and Reducing Crime Unit

Clive House, Room 415, Petty France, London, SW1H 9HD England, United Kingdom

Publication Type
Training (Handbook/Manual)
United Kingdom