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Tackling Drug Problems in Public Housing: A Guide for Police

NCJ Number
D L Weisel
Date Published
138 pages
This guide instructs police in the operations of their local public housing authorities, so as to enhance the relationship between police, public housing officials, and public housing residents; this in turn is intended to foster joint efforts to address public-housing problems, notably drug-related problems.
The guide first describes the troubled environment in which police and public housing agencies must operate, followed by a concise history of public housing. An inside view of the administrative operations of housing agencies includes descriptions of the agencies' relationships with the police and also the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, residents, and local governing bodies. A discussion of the common ground shared by police, housing agencies, and public housing residents sets the stage for the proposed process for developing a collaborative relationship among these groups. The guide concludes with a description of a number of conjoint police and housing efforts to counter drug problems throughout the Nation. Appended supplementary information, 107-item bibliography, glossary.