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Systemic Evaluation of the Commercial Security Field Test Program

NCJ Number
M F Cahn; J M Tien
Date Published
242 pages
Security surveys are effective in preventing commercial crimes, especially burglary, according to findings of the Commercial Security Field Test Program.
Tests were conducted in Denver, Long Beach, and St. Louis. Pairs of test areas with relatively high commercial crime rates were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. Security surveys were then conducted in the experimental areas, and several followup visits were made both to encourage compliance with survey recommendations and to determine the level of compliance. The compliance levels among the commercial establishments varied widely, with an average of 59.1 percent. Followup visits achieved almost a doubling in the measured compliance level. Security surveys with a high level of compliance achieved an 11.9-percent decrease in the burglary rate. Although more evidence is needed to confirm these results, the security survey should provide crime prevention officers with a more rational, cost-effective, and consistent basis for developing security recommendations. Tables, graphs, and other illustrative materials are provided. Appendixes include security, proprietor, and staff surveys as well as a 28-item bibliography.