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Symbiotic Evolution: The Relationship of Court Management to Judicial and Management Education

NCJ Number
Justice System Journal Volume: 15 Issue: 2 Dated: special issue (1991) Pages: 677-709
J K Hudzik
Date Published
13 pages
Three, recently collected data sets that measure court managers' views about the task components of their jobs provide insights regarding the degree of fit between the management training that is currently offered and the training needs of managers.
The data reveal a wide array of tasks and requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with the contemporary court manager's job. These tasks fit into a framework of 12 basic management functions and 10 skills. An almost equally wide array of management training topics have emerged in response. However, much of the subject matter is available to only a very few of the managers. In the next decade we are likely to see court management fundamentally shaped by changing technology, budget constraints, and changes in the workforce. However, it is not yet clear whether the resulting changes in our views of court managers and in management education will be as dramatic as during the 1980's. Tables and 41 references (Author abstract modified)