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Swiss Research in Victimology in the 1980ies: An Overview (From Victims and Criminal Justice, P 56-70, 1991, Gunther Kaiser, Helmut Kury, et al., eds. -- See NCJ-132477)

NCJ Number
M Killias
Date Published
15 pages
This overview of Swiss research in victimology in the 1980's focuses on crime victim surveys, the primary type of victimological research conducted in Switzerland during this period.
The discussion features the methodology of crime surveys and their findings. The findings cover victimization rates, risk factors according to the Swiss crime surveys, the reporting of victimizations to the police, the impact of crime on victims, and fear of crime. In a number of respects, victimization surveys in Switzerland have been innovative in methodology and theory. The Swiss Crime Survey used the computer-assisted-telephone-interview in 1984. This technique permitted the questionnaire to include several questions derived from the lifestyle model and from a theory of vulnerability. With two exceptions, Swiss victimological research has not included systematic assessments of victimization programs that offer assistance, support, technical protection, or special training to victims or persons at risk of victimization. This is partially explained by the fact that Switzerland has no official victim support schemes, although a law that would establish such programs is pending before the Parliament. Several privately sponsored programs of victim assistance have been operating for a number of years. 32 references