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Swedish Police Computer System

NCJ Number
Police Journal Volume: 54 Issue: 2 Dated: (April/June 1981) Pages: 185-210
J B Long
Date Published
25 pages
A British computer expert describes the Swedish Police computer system, based on his 10-day visit to the National Swedish Police Board headquarters.
The Computer Division of the Swedish Police Service is divided into two sections: the Records Division and the Computer Division. The computer configuration is based on a multiprocessor system using Univac 1100 computers. The system's overall storage capacity is five billion characters. A software package called 'IMIDOC' is used for several of the online applications. The system supports about 40 applications. For example, the Modus Operandi (MO) file is maintained by details taken from the crime reports as a source document. The headquarters terminals receive about 50 inquiries per week regarding the MO data. Command and control applications exist for Sweden's two major cities: Stockholm and Gothenburg. Other applications include fingerprints, intelligence, major crime, and information on passports and stolen property, including vehicles. Swedes have the direct computer-to-computer interface with the Vehicle/Driving Licence Center, while the British police still rely on the transfer of data by magnetic tape. However, direct comparisons with British police forces are difficult because forces in Britain have developed systems in different areas with different priorities. A brief description of Sweden and the Swedish Police Force, diagrams, figures depicting the computer system, maps of Sweden showing the distribution of the system, and three references are included. A photograph of the system and additional information on the system's application are appended.