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Swedish Crime Prevention Council's Support for Private Researchers (From Brottsutvecklingen - Lagesrapport 1979, P 129-154, 1980 by Rolf Dahstrom - See NCJ-80619)

NCJ Number
H Tham
Date Published
26 pages
A listing of all research projects receiving funding from the Swedish Crime Prevention Council is presented, along with project summaries, names of researchers, and a list of published products derived from the research. Also given is a review of the Council's funding budget and a discussion of research priorities.
The Swedish Crime Prevention Council began its funding of private research in 1974 and greatly increased the amount of dollars going to private studies in the field of criminology. The Council funds studies in these categories: general prevention and social control, juveniles, sanctions (excluding corrections and treatment), corrections and treatment, causes and factors in criminality, and economic and organized crime. Most of the funded researchers are affiliated with universities. The listing of research projects covers 20 projects, all of which were awarded over 10,000 crowns. Sample project topics include examination of the possibilities to deter deviance through understanding risk-taking behavior, the effects and benefits of fines as sanctions, female criminality, regional and national differences in patterns of rape using Finland as a comparison to Sweden, youth gang subcultures as represented by two female juvenile gangs, factors in the successful break from alcohol addiction, and the black market for fenced goods. Two tables are included.