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Sweden's Children's Ombudsman: A Spokesperson for Children

NCJ Number
Child Welfare Volume: 68 Issue: 2 Dated: (March/April 1989) Pages: 123-128
A Ronstrom
Date Published
6 pages
This article discusses the development, roles, and achievements of Sweden's Ombudsman for Children.
This report focuses on Sweden's Ombudsman for Children. The operation of this office differs from that of other nations in that it works outside the State administration and it has no legal rights. The goals of the office are discussed, such as molding of public opinion, the dissemination of information, the support of research, and the organization of seminars and training sessions. Various types of children at risk are discussed, such as children of severe drug addict parents, children of alcoholic parents, and children of mentally retarded parents. The aim of the Children's Ombudsmen is to improve the society so that every child can grow up in a good environment and develop into a well-integrated adult. (Author abstract modified)