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Survey of South Dakota Law Enforcement Agencies and Jails

NCJ Number
Date Published
68 pages
Survey results are presented in narrative and tabular form regarding South Dakota's police departments, sheriffs' offices, and jails; the surveys were initiated in November 1975.
Results document that South Dakota lacks accurate and consistent crime records. Most sheriffs and police feel that they are well-trained and well-qualified to perform their duties, and most perceive no problem with their status in the community. Though most sheriffs report a low staff turnover, most law enforcement departments view their workload and their salary level as a problem. Interagency cooperation is not seen as a problem by most sheriff and police departments. Regional jail consolidation received support from a majority of police departments, sheriff offices, and respondents to the jail questionnaire. Most South Dakota jails are over 30 years old, have had no past renovations, and expect no future renovation. The majority of city jails are reported to be in poor condition, and only 40 percent of the sampled jails reported having ever been inspected. A total of 82 tables are included. (Author summary modified)