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Survey of Inmates of Local Jails (United States), 1983

NCJ Number
Date Published
864 pages
After briefly describing the methodology, file structure, and information processing of the 1983 Survey of Inmates of Local Jails (United States), this report presents the variable description list, codebook, questionnaire, and frequencies and univariate statistics.

Designed to complement the 1983 Census of Inmates of Local Jails, the 1983 Survey of Inmates of Local Jails obtained information on current offenses, prior criminal record, detention status, drug and alcohol use, demographic and socioeconomic characteristics, military service, jail activities, and jail health care. The inmate sample was selected from approximately 3,600 institutions containing roughly 207,800 males and 15,800 females. Data were collected collected on 1,036 variables. Data are available in two formats: card image and OSIRIS. The codebook contains variable and reference numbers, the abbreviated variable name, the code values of missing data, storage information, and the full question text for the variable. Appendixes present a listing of new and old codes for offenses, the occupational classification system, and the derivation of the ''Most Serious Offense' variable.