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Survey of Higher Education in US Correctional Institutions

NCJ Number
Journal of Correctional Education Volume: 33 Issue: 4 Dated: (December 1982) Pages: 14-18
J F Littlefield; B I Wolford
Date Published
5 pages
This article reports the first phase of a national survey which requested information from central office correctional education administrators on the postsecondary institutions providing correctional programs in their jurisdictions.
Responses were received from 48 State adult corrections systems, 2 juvenile systems, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons -- together representing a total inmate population of 304,304, with a total of 26,992 inmates enrolled in postsecondary education programs. There were 350 postsecondary institutions reported to be providing educational programs for incarcerated students. The Basic Education Opportunity Grant was the major source of funding for programs in 44 jurisdictions, which indicates that these programs could be seriously affected by Federal cutbacks of funds. Tabular data and 13 references are given.