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Survey of Applicant Testing Practices by Kansas Municipal Police Departments

NCJ Number
Police Dated: (July/August 1970) Pages: 28-34
J B Molden
Date Published
7 pages
Findings and recommendations are presented from a survey of 26 Kansas police departments to determine the extent and the procedures used in testing police applicants.
Of the 26 departments queried, 25 responded to the questionnaire. Responses showed that 26 percent of the departments use some type of applicant testing; 15 different tests are being used, only 2 of which can be classified as intelligence tests and only 1 as a psychological test. One respondent uses three tests; two use two tests; and the remainder use one test. The tests used most frequently are the Policeman Test, the Policeman Examination General Adaptability Test, and the General Aptitude Test Battery. Of the departments using tests, 89 percent have a minimum passing score for their tests. Only nine of the departments have a specialist trained in testing. Only 47 percent of the respondents believe their applicant testing program is doing the job intended. It is recommended that research be undertaken to determine what factors of personality, intelligence, and background are necessary to be a successful police officer in a small department in the Midwest. Next, a valid and reliable instrument or battery of tests should be developed and made available to local law enforcement agencies. The tests should be administered and evaluated at some central location by a skilled test administrator. Test results and interpretations should then be made available to law enforcement executives for use in selection, placement, and promotion of personnel. A bibliography of 12 listings is provided. (Author summary modified)


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