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Supporting America's Criminal Justice Communities: BJA's Annual Report FY 1997

NCJ Number
Date Published
September 1998
60 pages
This is the fiscal year (FY) 1997 Annual Report of the U.S. Justice Department's Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), whose mission is "to provide leadership, funding, training, and technical assistance in support of local criminal justice strategies to achieve strong neighborhoods and safe communities."
Its stated objectives are to promote effective new approaches to crime control and prevention; to replicate and maintain successful, collaborative crime control programs that use strategic planning methods and public-private partnerships; and to support a responsive and dynamic work environment and an organizational structure that serves needs at the local level. Funding opportunities provided by BJA in support of these objectives are offered under the Edward Byrne Memorial State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance Program, the Local Law Enforcement Block Grants Program, and earmarked funds and special programs. The recipients for the latter type of funding are listed. This Annual Report notes that access to support from BJA is now easier to obtain than ever before for local law enforcement, prosecutors, courts, and criminal justice practitioners. The FY 1997 Open Solicitation Announcement called for short, clear concept papers that delineate problems and promote ideas for locally crafted public-private partnership strategies from approximately 40,000 agencies across the Nation. Each local practitioner selected for this program participates in projects in his or her area of expertise, learns methods of securing Federal support for sound local programs, and provides BJA with a "reality check" in its efforts to monitor the daily challenges of criminal justice systems and settings. BJA's leadership is increasing awareness and knowledge of community court practices for just over 70 jurisdictions that are working together to create community courts. The various types of programs being supported by BJA throughout the Nation are described. Appended listing of awards and BJA publications