The specific components of the program include a rites of passage (ROP) and adult-mentoring program, an entrepreneurial program, and a job training and placement program. Youths are randomly assigned to one of three conditions: guidance and employment, employment only, or a control group. Program evaluation will be based on data gathered from a follow-up survey, program activity attendance records, evaluation forms, focus group discussions, personal interviews, and mentor-youth activity logs. In 1993, over half of SAGE participants lived in single-parent households and 50 percent reported that they received free school lunches. About 20 percent reported they had hurt someone in a fight during the previous month, and 10 percent reported owning or carrying a gun. Preliminary analyses with baseline data showed correlations between exposure to violence, psychosocial variables, and aggression. 1 table
Supporting Adolescents With Guidance and Employment (SAGE): 1993 Update (From Trends, Risks, and Interventions in Lethal Violence: Proceedings of the Third Annual Spring Symposium of the Homicide Research Working Group, P 299-301, 1995, Carolyn Block and Richard Block, eds.)
NCJ Number
Date Published
3 pages
This paper describes the current activities of SAGE -- Supporting Adolescents with Guidance and Employment -- a multi- faceted community-based intervention designed to prevent or reduce the incidence of violence and other high-risk behaviors among Black male adolescents living in Durham County, North Carolina.