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Supervisory Techniques for the Security Professional

NCJ Number
J A Wanat; E T Guy; J J Merrigan
Date Published
147 pages
This book assists the security professional in improving supervisory techniques. It identifies important supervisory skills, provides readers with a means of assessing their own proficiency in specific skills, and offers suggestions on how to improve performance in a leadership capacity.
A discussion of leadership development covers types and categories of leadership (authoritarian, laissez-faire, and democratic), leadership principles, leadership goals and self-development, and ways to develop self-confidence and teamwork. An examination of motivation and supervision surveys Maslow's hierarchy of needs, various other categories of needs, motivation factors, duties of a security supervisor, and developing subordinates' talents. Management and the management function are described, including planning and obstacles to planning, budgeting, principles of organization, staffing, and reorganizing the department. Another chapter delineates the implementation of time management, organization of time and work area, and time-saving ideas. Other chapters discuss effective communication; delegation, authority, and control; complaints and grievances; and community/public relations. A description of training skill development covers training methodology and training techniques, as well as summaries of particular training programs developed by Jersey City State College and the International Association for Hospital Security. Safety attitude development, including formal programs, inspections, and guidelines are detailed. The final chapter presents the code of ethics of the American Society for Industrial Security and the private security code of ethics. Figures, footnotes, chapter bibliographies, and self-evaluating checklists are provided.


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