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Sunset Performance Audit: Crime Victims' Compensation Board

NCJ Number
Date Published
172 pages
This is a report on the Pennsylvania Crime Victims' Compensation Board pursuant to the provision of the Sunset Act, which requires a performance audit of each agency scheduled for "sunset" termination.
The audits are intended to determine whether agencies are operating in the public interest; to suggest ways in which their efficiency and effectiveness can be enhanced; and to aid the General Assembly in determining whether the agency should be continued, terminated, or modified. The report's introduction contains information on audit authority and purpose, objectives, and scope and methodology. This is followed by a presentation of the audit findings and recommendations. The concluding chapter provides background descriptive information on the Crime Victims' Compensation Board and its functions. The study found that opportunities for public input and participation in board activities have increased, but they could be further improved. There are also significant delays and backlogs in the claims processing system, and responsibility for the daily direction of board staff operations is unclear. The board is not periodically evaluating the adequacy of maximum allowable compensation awards available for crime victims. Also, board efforts to publicize the compensation program can be improved. Other findings pertain to board requirements for claimants, funds available to the board, the use of the board's computer system, management of the claims processing system, law bearing on repayments, denial of claims based on victims' substance use, and the board's budget and hearing locations. Recommendations are offered for each finding. Appended supplemental information, 15 tables, and 11 exhibits