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Summary of the Work of the Prisons Department by the Commissioner of Prisons, T G Garner, C B E, J P, for the Year 1981

NCJ Number
T G Garner
Date Published
67 pages
This report presents narrative and statistics on male and female offenders and programs offered in Hong Kong prisons during 1981.
It includes general information on the penal population, recidivism, prison discipline, and work units, and covers training center services for male and female offenders and for special classes of prisoners -- debtors, drug addicts, detainees under immigration laws, and those under death sentences. Prison health and medical services, industries and vocational training, earning schemes, and aftercare and welfare services are reviewed. Data are also given on prison personnel training and recruitment, on inmate religious services and visitation rights, and on international conferences. Data tables and budgetary information are supplied.