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Summary of Substance Abuse Program Services and Related Activities, Annual Report for FY 1990-91

NCJ Number
K McGinnis; G Gordon
Date Published
29 pages
Program activities and services of the Substance Abuse Services Unit within the Michigan Department of Corrections are designed to deter drug use among prisoners, parolees, and probationers and to improve rehabilitation for those individuals whose substance abuse relates closely to their criminal behavior.
Programming efforts for fiscal year 1990-1991 include an enhanced and expanded outpatient and residential treatment services continuum operating in 3 prisons, 12 camps, and 22 community residential program locations and the provision of substance abuse treatment to over 5,655 individuals. Discharge data show that 60 percent of the outpatient treatment clients and 36 percent of the residential clients have been successfully discharged. A drug testing and deterrence program has achieved significant decreases in drug usage. 6 figures, 12 tables, and 2 appendixes