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Suicidal Behaviour Among People with HIV and AIDS

NCJ Number
Date Published
13 pages
This report presents a summary and recommendations from a World Health Organization (WHO) consultation regarding research on suicidal behavior in persons with HIV infection or AIDS held September 22-23, 1990 in Bologna.
The 12 participants discussed and reviewed available information on HIV-associated behavior. The consultation concluded that better factual information, methodological development, and research for suicide prevention is required. The consultation felt suicide prevention is justified at all stages of HIV infection to allow patients to evaluate alternatives for treatment rationally, to organize their financial and interpersonal business, and to improve care. Recommendations dealt with suicide research, international collaboration, statistics, postmortem investigations for HIV-seropositivity, collection and dissemination of information, counseling and crisis-intervention, and psychological and psychiatric treatment. Following prospective follow-up studies, future research should focus on HIV-associated neurological and psychiatric syndromes and suicide risk, psychosocial factors, profiles of HIV-positive persons at greatest risk, and respective suicide trends. 1 note and references


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