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Substance Abuse in States and Metropolitan Areas: Model Based Estimates from the 1991-1993 National Household Surveys on Drug Abuse: Summary Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
94 pages
This report presents estimates of substance abuse for 26 States and 25 metropolitan statistical areas.
Estimates in this report were developed from data collected in the National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA) combined with local area indicators from a variety of sources. Estimates are presented for the numbers and percent of people who: (1) use cigarettes, alcohol, any illicit substances, illicit substances other than marijuana, or cocaine during a month; (2) are dependent on alcohol or an illicit substance during a year; (3) need and receive treatment of illicit drug use in a year; and (4) need and receive treatment for alcohol abuse during a year. Yearly estimates of the number and percent of people arrested are also included. The estimates are subject to the limitations of the NHSDA survey, namely, reliance on the validity of self-reports of drug use and other behaviors, and the exclusion of people who are homeless (not in shelters) or living in institutions such as jails and nursing homes at the time of the survey. Appendixes, notes, exhibits


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