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Substance Abuse and Psychosocial Risk Factors Among Teenagers: Associations With Sex, Age, Ethnicity, and Type of School

NCJ Number
American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Volume: 13 Issue: 4 Dated: (1987) Pages: 413-433
M D Newcomb; E Maddahian; R Skager; P M Bentler
Date Published
19 pages
Data were collected in 1985 from 2,976 students in the 7th, 9th, and 11th grades of the Ventura (California) County School District to examine and relate exposure to drug use and the impact of various types of psychosocial risk factors to substance abuse.
Twelve risk factors were selected and tested. These 12 variables explained over 50 percent of the variance in a measure of general drug use. A unit-weighted, summed index of risk factors was related linearly to use and abuse (heavy use) of cigarettes, alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, hard drugs, and a composite substance use score. Differential exposure to and impact of risk factors on drug-taking behaviors were tested for differences by sex, age, ethnicity, and type of school attending. Patterns of exposure differed somewhat from patterns of vulnerability and impact and accounted in part for the status-group differences in drug use. The study provides further evidence for the risk-factor approach to understanding adolescent drug involvement. 6 tables and 34 references (Author abstract modified)


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