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Study on the Rate of Criminal Victimization 1992

NCJ Number
Reports of the National Research Institute of Police Science Volume: 34 Issue: 1 Dated: (July 1993) Pages: 45-60
K Kiyonaga
Date Published
16 pages
This report presents the results of a 1992 survey of 2,382 Japanese adults designed to measure the incidence of victimization.
The results showed that the overall victimization rate was approximately 20 percent, regardless of what type of vehicle the victim owned. This percentage remained the same for households that suffered property loss or damage. Approximately 60 percent of crimes, particularly sexual molestation, sales fraud, property damage, and motorcycle thefts, appear to go unreported to police. Respondents who reported more distant relationships with their neighbors suffered the highest percentage of victimization resulting in property loss or damage. 7 tables and 8 figures