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Study of Police Lockup Facilities - A Final Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
85 pages
This survey of temporary detention facilities provides data on physical characteristics, procedural standards, managerial policies, and administrative methods.
Agencies surveyed were selected from the Criminal Justice Directory (1979) of the Bureau of the Census. Over 14,000 agencies were sent a short form of the survey instrument, and responses were received from 3,138 agencies (22.4 percent). Of the 1,000 agencies selected to receive the long form of the survey instrument, 376 were returned (37.6 percent). A total of 43.1 percent of all respondents reported having lockup facilities. Findings show no nationwide equipment standards for providing occupants with adequate, safe, and humane environments. Further, the survey indicates that formal department training for facility personnel is severely lacking, with only the western and southeastern regions having any significant training. Findings also show generally insufficient means for handling detainees with unique problems. About 50 percent of the responding agencies were authorized to hold juveniles in their facilities. Although many of the facilities have rigid directives on the processing and handling of the detention of juveniles, a significant number have no clear procedures for dealing with juveniles. Recommendations are offered for physical facilities, the segregation of occupants, admission assessments, staff training, 'strip' searches, and cell observation procedures. Appended are sample written policies for the arrest and detention of juveniles, prisoner searches, citizen complaint reception and investigation procedure, jail procedures, and general rules for prisoners. Tabular data are provided.