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Study on Anxiety Arising From Fear of Crime: The Effects of Sex and Age Factors

NCJ Number
Reports of the National Research Institute of Police Science Volume: 31 Issue: 2 Dated: (December 1990) Pages: 26-36
K Kiyonaga; F Takasugi
Date Published
11 pages
A national questionnaire survey conducted in Japan during October 1989 gathered information regarding citizens' fear that they or a family member would become a crime victim.
The sample consisted of 2,411 adults over age 20, with 49 percent males and 51 percent females. Twenty-three percent were in their 40's, 21 percent in their 30's, and 18 percent in their 50's. The findings showed that 94 percent reported anxiety about 1 or more of the 16 listed types of crime and delinquency. In contrast, 11 percent of the males and 9 percent of the females said that they felt no anxiety about any of the items. However, only 2 percent of the respondents reported feeling anxiety about all 16 forms of crime. Males and older respondents expressed anxiety more often than females and younger respondents. However, the differences between the sexes declined as age increased. Tables (Author abstract modified)