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Strengthening Professional Competence of Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish Police Officers: Scope of the International Training Project

NCJ Number
Internal Security Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Dated: July - December 2012 Pages: 223-236
Zaneta Navickiene; Audrone Sviklaite
Date Published
December 2012
14 pages
The article presents new opportunities of strengthening police professional competences through training under the framework of an international project.
Entry into the European Union (EU) and the Schengen Area have not only opened new possibilities, but also resulted in new obligations for the new member states in the area of ensuring public safety. Abolition of internal border controls within the EU has increased the responsibility and workload of the police forces. It has become of great importance for police officers, especially for those working in the border territories, to have a good knowledge of not only national, but also EU and international legislation and that of the neighboring member states. The implementation of the Schengen acquis communautaire provisions - is one of the most important tasks for the law enforcement institutions in implementing the EU Internal security policy. Seeking to ensure proper and comprehensive application of the Schengen requirements within the police field of activity, it is necessary to provide police officers with knowledge on the available tools designed for enhanced international cooperation. Moreover special attention is to be paid to joint actions in the internal border regions: joint patrolling, control of migration flows, cross-border surveillance and hot-pursuit. The article presents new opportunities of strengthening police professional competences through training under the framework of an international project. The analysis of the content of the international training organized has allowed identification of the main problems in the field of international police cooperation. The training events have highlighted the main problems in the field of international police cooperation, as well as the relevance and necessity of this kind of police training. It has also allowed proposals for the new and future trends in the sphere of training. (Published Abstract)