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Street-Based Outreach Model of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) Prevention for Intravenous Drug Users: A Preliminary Evaluation

NCJ Number
Contemporary Drug Problems Volume: 14 Issue: 3 Dated: (Fall 1987) Pages: 411-423
J K Watters
Date Published
13 pages
To determine the impact of an AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) prevention program for intravenous drug abusers (IVDU's), community health outreach workers administered a questionnaire to 108 IVDU's to solicit information on AIDS knowledge, needle sharing practices, needle hygiene, drug consumption and adherence to safe-sex guidelines.
Since May 1986, street outreach workers have operated in three San Francisco communities. They routinely provide information to IVDU's on how they can protect themselves from exposure to or transmission of the AIDS virus. They have also distributed condoms and bleach (an effective needle cleansing agent). The 'in-progress' evaluation was conducted in the fall of 1986. Although the sample size was small and unrepresentative, findings show a dramatic change in the IVDU's behavior regarding needle hygiene. The use of safe-sex practices trailed the dramatic increases in reported needle hygiene. The findings suggest that IVDU's will change their behavior if given the information and tools necessary to make the needed changes. 7 tables and 12 references.