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Strategy for Implementing Citizen Crime Prevention Coalitions

NCJ Number
J Faber; R Isgett
Date Published
42 pages
This document provides a framework for involving citizens in crime prevention efforts at the local level.
Seminars and assistance from crime prevention specialists are offered to direct citizen efforts. The first step in development of a crime prevention program is to establish a core group of persons who organize training seminars. The core group attends the seminar, follows through after seminar presentation, and leads the community in crime prevention activities. The core group ensures that persons selected to participate are a cross-section of the entire community. During the seminars, participants identify crime prevention needs for the community, try to find solutions to problems, help organize neighborhood coalitions, and take an active part in crime watch. It is suggested that the seminar leader act as a facilitator of group discussion. The leader should record pertinent points of discussion, listen to participants' comments, clarify unclear points, and bring out overlooked viewpoints. All information should be shared with group volunteers, and a portion of each meeting should be devoted to bringing members up to date on recent developments. The business community, labor unions, minority groups, professional associations, agencies, and religious organizations should be included in community crime prevention programs. No references are cited.