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Strategy for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control in Drug Users

NCJ Number
Date Published
5 pages
This document summarizes a 1-day meeting of the working group of the World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Office for Europe regarding present and future activities related to drug abuse and HIV and AIDS prevention.
The group identified presents activities, discussed the need for international cooperation in this field, and emphasized country level development. The working group recommended continuation of reliable information bases on HIV, AIDS, and drug abuse, assessment of specific interventions, development of guidelines for implementation, national workshops and training on policy development on drug abuse and AIDS, and HIV prevention and care of specific subgroups among drug users including prisoners, homosexuals, experimental users, second-generation migrants, and prostitutes. Priority areas with special attention to central and eastern European countries covered expert support and mission on drug abuse and HIV/AIDS, policy development and training, and primary prevention programs. Clinical management and care of drug users at the community level and sexual behavior for drug users need to be renewed as priority areas.


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