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Strategies of Control and Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency at the Community Level

NCJ Number
Kriminologisches Journal Volume: 13 Issue: 1 Dated: (1981) Pages: 43-53
N Herriger
Date Published
21 pages
An empirical research project is underway in Wuppertal, West Germany, to study police and juvenile agency involvement in delinquency prevention at the community level.
The juvenile assistance planning being done by the city's Youth Assistance Department is the focus of the study, with emphasis on its preventive aspects. The study examines how preventive goals are incorporated into the department's programming, how they are followed through, and what political pressures or other circumstances cause them to be abandoned. The policies pursued will be viewed in relation to developmental, organizational, and criminological theory. Finally, program specifics will be examined in city neighborhoods and neighborhood characteristics compared. Law enforcement strategies and intervention practices will also be related to neighborhoods. The extent of interaction between the police and juvenile assistance agencies will be traced. Data gathering is to take place in exploratory interviews, structured questionnaires for juvenile assistance workers and police officers, analyses of agency records and case histories, and statistical analysis of police records by neighborhood. Notes and 14 references are given.