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Strategic Planning in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (From Strategic Planning for Police, P 75-80, 1991, Dan Ogle, ed. -- See NCJ-131965)

NCJ Number
D C Witham
Date Published
6 pages
In 1987, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) developed its first strategic plan, the purpose of which was to highlight the major programs, initiatives, and overall direction of the agency for the following few years. The Strategic Plan, developed under the responsibility of the Director, has been updated every subsequent year.
The mission and component missions which comprise the plan include criminal law enforcement; foreign counterintelligence; law enforcement services; investigative and operational support; and direction, control, and administration. The statements accompanying these missions detail long-range, desired future results. The general objective of strategic planning in the FBI is to identify the most appropriate future direction for the agency. This author identifies three essential elements of a strategic planning approach: manage for results orientation, external environmental analysis, and internal organizational assessment.


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