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Strategic Planning Committee - First Report, 1981

NCJ Number
Date Published
69 pages
The report describes the work during 1979-80 of the Strategic Planning Committee of Canada, a group of criminal justice, academic, and private officials whose mandate is to forecast the long-range future of Canadian corrections.
It describes the Committee's planning process and its development of the following four criminal justice models: retribution, treatment and rehabilitation, minimum intervention, and shared responsibility. The Committee evaluated each model from three different perspectives: the extent to which it meets the basic purposes of criminal justice, the extent of community participation required, and resource requirements. The report describes the Committee's forecasts of a number of probable developments in criminal justice and corrections and highlights the issues covered in briefs received by the committee. Appendixes include biographical sketches of Committee members, a list of agencies submitting briefs, a list of committee papers, and other information. Graphs are included. -- in English and French