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Stopping the Violence - Canadian Programmes for Assaultive Men

NCJ Number
J Browning
Date Published
81 pages
This report presents findings and recommendations from a 1984 survey of Canada's 24 treatment programs for assaultive men.
The introduction discusses the history and incidence of wife assault, theories and research on the causes of wife assault, society's response to wife assault, and the concept of offender treatment. The program list was compiled by the National Clearinghouse on Family Violence. Each program site was visited, and program staff were interviewed. Community professionals with knowledge of the program were also contacted. Survey information encompasses geographic location, setting, relationship with other community agencies, program development, funding, clientele, staffing, assessment, therapy, victim contact, confidentiality, court-mandated treatment, evaluation, and view of the program held by community professionals. Program recommendations are offered in each of these areas. Appendixes contain interview protocols, a catalog of the programs, and listings of relevant literature and films used in counseling assaultive men.