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S.T.O.P. Violence Against Women in Illinois

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 1996
52 pages
This implementation plan for Illinois' S.T.O.P. Violence Against Women Program includes an assessment of the nature and extent of violence against women, current efforts, and service gaps, along with the presentation of program goals and objectives, as well as fiscal years 1995 and 1996 program priorities.
The plan is based on data, public testimony, results of surveys of criminal justice and victim service agencies, and the expertise of an interdisciplinary committee. The two broad goals of the Violence Against Women Program are to build a responsive, accountable, and effective criminal justice system that integrates criminal justice agencies and victims services while promoting safety and freedom from violence for women; and to ensure that victims of sexual assault and domestic violence have access to services that are appropriate for their needs. The program has six objectives for fiscal years 1995-96. One objective is to expand services to women who are victims of sexual assault and domestic violence by establishing satellite service sites in one or more counties and/or by extending services to victim groups who are underserved and/or unserved. A second objective is to begin the process of institutionalizing law enforcement officer training by ensuring that agencies adopt and enforce protocols for handling sexual assault and domestic violence reports, modifying basic officer training, and making training readily available to local departments. Other objectives pertain to prosecutorial training and protocols; the promotion of multidisciplinary training programs; the identification and implementation of measures that facilitate the assessment of the response of criminal justice agencies to sexual assault and domestic violence; and the implementation, testing, and evaluation of model protocols for sexual assault and domestic violence. This report also describes the steps taken toward the implementation of this plan as of June 1996. Appended public notice, and list of available data