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Status, Longevity, and Perceptions of the Work Environment Among Federal Prison Employees

NCJ Number
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation Volume: 17 Issue: 3/4 Dated: (1992) Pages: 133-160
W G Saylor; K N Wright
Date Published
28 pages
Over 3,300 employees of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, distinguished by status and longevity, completed a questionnaire on their perceptions of their work environment.
The annually administered Prison Social Climate Survey is divided into four primary subsections: personal safety and security, quality of life, personal well-being, and work environment. The work environment section consists of 57 items that measure these seven aspects: authority and structure, supervision, BOP satisfaction, institution satisfaction, job satisfaction, personal efficacy, and job-related stress. The findings showed widespread satisfaction among respondents with their work environment. Federal prison staff who had frequent contact with inmates, who worked in custody positions, and who had longer tenure generally had lower satisfaction rates, while individuals with supervisory responsibility had more positive views. 5 tables, 3 notes, 1 appendix and 50 references