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Status of Knowledge in Scandinavia (From Politiques de Prevention de la Delinquance. A l'Aune de la Recherche, P 216-225, 1991, Philippe Robert, ed. See NCJ-137844)

NCJ Number
J Sarnecki
Date Published
10 pages
The cooperation between research and crime prevention agencies in Scandinavia is examined.
Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Sweden maintain an influential and widespread network of agencies dedicated to preventive research, and, in general, Scandinavian criminal policy is strongly geared toward prevention. In recent years, prevention has emphasized local efforts such as the Danish and Norwegian SSP program, a collaboration of local agencies to prevent juvenile delinquency and drug abuse. Mediation, another important preventive measure, keeps offenders out of the criminal justice system by settling offenses through a mediator. Recent evaluations have praised this program's effectiveness. Victims, especially female victims, have also been targets of extensive research; the results have improved both preventive efforts and the lives of the victims. Lastly, Scandinavian research has shown imprisonment to be an ineffective crime response and has thus encouraged the criminal justice system to look for alternative solutions including prevention. 24 references